Air Skills Training

From this week, the time before our parade night (5pm – 6pm) that is usually PT team, will be used for Air Skills Training.

Air Skills is the Regional and National ATC competition and there are limited places on each team. These trainings help us to choose our team members. Trainings can involve runs, fitness tests, sports games, teamwork activities, general service knowledge, first aid, and more.

Come to the block at 5pm in PT gear with a drink bottle, towel, and your ironed uniform.

Everyone is welcome to attend, and it is highly recommended that you attend if you wish to be considered for skills team selection.

If you have any questions see F/S Howie or speak to the training office.

Returning Uniform:

As our annual uniform stocktake is fast approaching we are asking if you or anyone you know who has recently left the unit to return any outstanding uniform that is still in their possession. This can be returned at the usual parade times (1800hrs – 2100hrs) on a Thursday night. For any further questions or if you cannot make these timings you can alternatively contact me at

Tramp Hurunui 26 – 28th July

If your Prof and above and keen for a tramp look no further. We are doing a tramp into the Hurunui Hut 18km and then into the hot pools 4km. If your interested please apply on cadet net ASAP limited spots. There will be a small fee TBC once we have iterest. More infomation to follow.

Dining In Reminder

Thank you to all those Cadets who have signed up and paid for the Dining In. For those who are yet to sign up, we have extended the deadline to apply via Cadet Net until 19:00 (7pm) this Thursday. After which numbers will be confirmed with the caterers.

For those who do not wish to attend, a reminder that there is no alternative programme for the 27th of June (next week). So, please stay at home if you are not attending the dinner.

More information on the Dining In can be found on the forms section of the website.


We have had several requests from parents requesting assistance connecting with other parents in their local area to arrange carpooling.

If you would like to be included in a carpooling contact list (to be circulated only to other parents on that list), please fill in this Google form before Thursday 6 June, when we will email out the list to everyone who opted in. The list will include name, suburb, and email address. (Please ensure the email address provided is for a parent, not the cadet.)

Exercise Top Squad

Applications are now open on CadetNet for Exercise Top Squad on 24th-26th May. Places are limited to 8 Cadets. Please be aware that your application on CadetNet does not guarantee you a place in the team; a selection process will take place and you will be notified via email if your application is successful.
Applications close Thursday 16th May. Successful Applicants will be notified on Thursday 16th May.
The cost for this activity is $60.