Covid-19 Reminder

Hi team, just a reminder that you should not be attending ATC if:

  • You have any symptoms of Covid-19
  • You have tested positive for Covid-19
  • A person in your household has tested positive for Covid-19
  • You have been identified as a close contact and are isolating

Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday night!

17 SQN Online Learning

If you are are unable to parade due to not having a vaccine pass, and have not received an email from us, then get in touch so we can add you to the list for online learners.

CadetNet Bugs

We have had several reports of parents / guardians receiving an error “Oops! That page can’t be found.” after updating details on their cadet’s profile when they try to confirm an activity application, and the approval then not going through.

We have confirmed with the CadetNet development team that this error is caused by updating the School Year field on the confirmation page. Until further notice, please don’t update the school year when confirming applications.

If you encounter this error otherwise, just try to confirm the application again without updating anything, and send us an email at with the details to update. (If the problem persists, send us an email.)

Also, if you notice that your cadet’s latest tetanus shot date is missing from the confirmation form, and you know we already have it on CadetNet, don’t worry about updating it. The date just isn’t displaying on the confirm details page since the CadetNet covid update. We’ve reported this to CadetNet as well.

Apologies to the parents and cadets who were affected by this bug, and thanks for your patience and for reporting it to us. (All the cadet applications for Ex Kakapo have successfully been NOK Approved now.) As always, if you’re having problems with CadetNet, just send us an email and we’ll try our best to get it sorted for you! ?

CadetNet usernames changed

Please note that your CadetNet username used to log in is no longer your email address. It is now firstname.lastname (being your first name and last name as it appears in CadetNet).

If your name is hyphenated, include the hyphen as usual, eg firstname.last-name
If your name has a space in it, replace the space with a period, eg

If you can’t log in, please contact the Adjutant’s office for assistance.

Exercise Kākāpō Applications Closing This Thursday

This year we are launching a new aviation themed camp called Exercise Kākāpō! The camp will be held every two years and will involve flying for all attendees (must be Basic 2 or above). This year the camp will be on 4-6 March at West Melton Army Range.

A Warning Order with details of the camp can be found on the forms page. Please apply on CadetNet as soon as possible. Once you have parental approval you will be sent a Joining Instruction with full details of the camp. Payment will be required before the camp starts.

Applications close 11:59pm Thursday 17 Feb (note the original Warning Order stated 25 Feb – this has been moved forward at the Aeroclub’s request)

Annual Subscriptions are Due

Annual Subscriptions are now due, and must be paid by 31 March 2022.

Fees are set at $160 per cadet, or $140 per cadet if there are 2 or more cadets from one family. You’ll find this in the online shop (link below).

(An additional $50 uniform bond will apply for new recruits.)

Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination

As of 17 February, cadets who arrive at Wigram who do not yet have their Covid-19 proof of vaccination loaded into CadetNet will not be allowed entry into the facility.

Please email your proof of vaccination (My Vaccine Pass, a vaccination certificate, or purple card) and the dates you received each dose to before Wednesday 16 February so we can load them into CadetNet.

Parading under Covid-19 Protection Framework – Red

As we welcome new recruits to the Unit, our size will grow to over 100 once again. We are taking the appropriate steps to ensure we meet the red level restrictions regarding gathering and facility capacity. Rather than parading in two groups over two separate nights as we did last year, we will be running separate programmes on a Thursday parade night.

From this week (10 Feb) onwards, there will be separate entrances and exits for different year groups.

Advanced Cadets (4th years) are to enter and exit the premises via Isitt Lane. (This is where you currently leave at the end of the night). New recruits will also be leaving/entering via this exit.

At the beginning of the night, please form up on the grass directly beside this entrance. A staff member will open the gate for access once a group is assembled. Remember that you are in the public eye when in this area and act accordingly.

Basic 2 and Prof Cadets (2nd and 3rd years) are to enter and leave from our Corsair Drive entrance.

If you have siblings in different year groups, the siblings should use the most senior Cadets entrance e.g. a 1st year Cadet and 3rd year Cadet should enter/exit at the 3rd year Cadet’s entrance – Corsair Dr.

NCOs should use the entrance of the group they are teaching that night, or if they are not teaching, then use the Isitt Lane entrance.

This week, please form up outside the building on arrival, and the separate training programmes and facilities will be explained to you. Lessons and activities will take place outdoors as much as possible, and all personnel must wear a facemask at all times, unless participating in physical activity. Cadets are to back in uniform (CWD) this week.

A reminder that all personnel must have a vaccine pass to attend. This along with your dates of vaccination must be sent to the email for uploading to your CadetNet profile. This is the last week for this to occur.

As always, anyone with Covid-19 symptoms must stay at home. Any person who has been in contact with a confirmed case, or a close contact at a location of interest may not attend parade nights or activities.

Lastly – don’t forget our new recruit open afternoon, this Saturday 2-4pm. New recruit numbers will be capped this year, so make sure those who are keen get in quick! Those coming along need to register at to help us keep track of numbers.

PT Night 3rd Feb

PT and sports for all year levels first night back 3rd Feb. Wear suitable clothes for exercise, and bring a water bottle.

NZCF National Drone Operator’s Course

Next year NZCF will hold the very first Drone Operator’s Course! This course aims to teach cadets the basics of drone operation and drone racing. This will take place over 18-20 Feb, at Trentham Military Base. All cadets who have completed the first year training syllabus are eligible. For more information on how to apply, see the document below. Make sure to get your application in by 18 Dec!