PT Night 3rd Feb

PT and sports for all year levels first night back 3rd Feb. Wear suitable clothes for exercise, and bring a water bottle.

NZCF National Drone Operator’s Course

Next year NZCF will hold the very first Drone Operator’s Course! This course aims to teach cadets the basics of drone operation and drone racing. This will take place over 18-20 Feb, at Trentham Military Base. All cadets who have completed the first year training syllabus are eligible. For more information on how to apply, see the document below. Make sure to get your application in by 18 Dec!

Proof of Covid-19 vaccination – more options available

NZCF have updated the list of options for evidence of vaccination against Covid-19 for CadetNet.

If a cadet is fully vaccinated and has not yet provided evidence to, please send the following ASAP:

  1. The dates of your first and second doses (if not included on your evidence)
  2. Evidence that you are fully vaccinated. This may be any of the following:
    a. Purple vaccination card
    b. A MOH vaccination certificate for international travel
    c. A screenshot of your “MyCovidRecord”
    d. A copy of your “MyVaccinePass” (you must provide dates with this, as they are not included).

We would appreciate if this information could be provided ASAP.

Exercise Ngā Mihi Nui – this Saturday!

Applications are closing soon for Exercise Ngā Mihi Nui this Saturday, 4th December. Get in quick!

Come along for a fun day of shooting, games, sports and a BBQ dinner.

Check out the forms page for details of when/where/how much and what to bring.

If transport is an issue, please get in touch, we may be able to help.

You do need to be fully vaccinated to attend this one, so make sure you have either sent in your proof of vaccination, or spoken to the Adj about when you will have this.

Final Parades – 9th December

You should have received an email last week with the details of our Final Parades. As a reminder:

Parade One – requires proof of vaccination against COVID-19

Commences at 1800hrs at Wigram, no limit on numbers. NO NEED to apply for this on CadetNet.

Parade Two – no requirement for vaccination

Commences at 2000hrs at Wigram. Our numbers are capped at 50, as per the Covid Protection Framework, Orange.

Cadets must apply on CadetNet ASAP. Fully vaccinated Cadets may attend both parades if desired.

Once Cadet numbers for this parade are confirmed, we will advise how many guests we can accommodate.

Both parades will be filmed and made available.

17 SQN History Page

The 17 SQN 2021 page has been updated with photos and articles from events throughout the year, written by our very own cadets.

Fun Night

This week’s parade (25/26 November) will be a squadron fun night instead of lessons. Please wear your Cadet Working Dress (see the image below) and bring PT gear (i.e. exercise clothing and shoes). Please make sure to name all of your clothing especially uniform to ensure we can identify any lost uniform.

Exercise Ngā Mihi Nui

Exercise Ngā Mihi Nui will be a fun competition day to round off the year. It is our last big activity of the year so we will be saying Ngā Mihi Nui (thank you) for sticking with us throughout COVID. The activity will be from 9:00am – 8:00pm on 4 December 2021. Full details are available on the Forms page.

Note that evidence of vaccination will be required to attend as it is being run on an NZDF establishment. Please ensure that you send us your vaccinate certificate as soon as you have it. For those who do not receive it in time, we will need to sight your purple vaccination card on a parade night prior to the activity.

Uniform Change This Week

This week (18/19 November), cadets should attend in our formal parade uniform (see the attached image). This is in order for cadets to practice wearing the uniform before final parade.

Please try your uniform on over the next week to ensure that it fits. If it does not fit, still bring it with you and exchange any ill-fitting items at inside stores at the start of the night.