Exercise Top Squad

Applications are now open on CadetNet for Exercise Top Squad on 24th-26th May. Places are limited to 8 Cadets. Please be aware that your application on CadetNet does not guarantee you a place in the team; a selection process will take place and you will be notified via email if your application is successful.
Applications close Thursday 16th May. Successful Applicants will be notified on Thursday 16th May.
The cost for this activity is $60.

Anzac Day Reminders

ServiceAssembly timeLocation
Christchurch Central Dawn Service0600Robert Falcon Scott
Memorial Statue,
Corner Worcester
Boulevard & Oxford
Harewood Dawn Service0640Harewood School, 721 Harewood Rd
Hornby Service 0840Hornby Primary
School 190 Waterloo
Templeton Service1020Templeton RSA,
38 Banks Street
Air Force Museum Service1130RNZAF Museum, 45 Harvard Ave
Service assembly times and locations

Uniform for all cadets is 3B. Please ensure you have a compliant haircut, polished shoes and neatly ironed uniform. Poppies are to be worn on the right, above the nametag (stem behind name tag).

Eat breakfast prior to parade to reduce risk of fainting.

While on parade, you may be standing at attention or at ease for long periods. It is not uncommon to faint. To reduce the risk of fainting, try wiggling your toes, slowly shifting your weight to your toes (to slightly lift your heels) or from one foot to the other, clenching and relaxing your muscles (particularly your legs/buttocks). These movements should not be obvious to people watching.

If you feel like you’re going to faint (nauseous, dizzy, tunnel vision), take a knee where you are and wait for assistance. Don’t try to march out of the flight as you’ll probably fall over. It’s better to faint from kneeling than from standing!

If you are wearing the medals of a deceased relative, these are worn on the right below the nametag. Medals must be correctly mounted (not safety-pinned individually to your uniform). Miniatures or full size medals are acceptable. Neck awards, brevets or other badges are not to be worn.

Cadets do not salute during the national anthem or the Last Post, they only stand at attention. Do not salute just because you see the officers at the front of the flight saluting. We also do not sing the national anthem (because we are at attention).

Remember that you are representing the NZCF while on parade, and that at some of the smaller services we will also be representing the NZDF. Stand tall and proud. Remember the public will be watching closely, not just when you’re on parade but before and after as well, so be on your best behaviour.

Finally, remember that you are cadets from a wartime ATC Squadron that has existed since 1942, which trained young men for service in WW2. Former cadets of our Squadron (and the Christchurch Wing, of which we are the only remaining squadron) made the ultimate sacrifice. So far, we’ve been able to confirm the details of two of these former cadets: https://archive.17squadronatc.com/roll-of-honour/.

We will remember them.

ANZAC Day Update: More Cadets Needed for Templeton RSA Service

Thank you to those Cadets who have already applied on CadetNet for one or more ANZAC Day Services. However, we need some more Cadets to assist with the Templeton RSA Service. Cadets are required from 10.20am with the public service beginning at 11.00am.

If you could help at this service please apply on CadetNet as soon as possible.

  • Cathedral Square Dawn Service – Open for Applications
  • Templeton Service – Open for Applications (More Needed)
  • Harewood Dawn Service & Hornby Service – Open to the Cenotaph Guard Party*
  • RNZAF Museum Service – Applications Closed (Full)

*These Cadets/NCOs know who they are.

Avation visits instead of parade at Wigram this week

All Cadet year groups are attending aviation activities instead of parading at Wigram this week.

Basic 1 – Garden City Helicopter Aviation, 6-7pm

Basic 2 – Airport fire station, 7-8pm

Prof/Adv – Air New Zealand Hangar, 6-7pm (Applications Closed)

All Cadets should wear CWD (or school uniform if you have not yet been issued CWD) and must apply on CadetNet for the appropriate activity by Wednesday 10 April, 6pm.

P-3 Orion Marshalling – Apply on Cadetnet

The Air Force Museum has requested assistance with the open days for displaying the P-3 Orion before it is put into storage. These days are Fri 19, Sat 20, & Sun 21 April.

There are two shifts on each of the three days of this activity. 0930-1300 & 1300-1640. 

Apply on Cadetnet for the days that you want to attend. Due to the demand there will be a roster sent out and it is likely that cadets will not be able to attend every shift they have applied for.

If you did not talk to PLTOFF Howie after end of night parade last Thursday regarding day/shift availability email jessica.howie@cadetforces.org.nz by Thursday 11/4 1800 with this information.

Apply on Cadetnet for this activity by Thursday 11/4 1800.

Microlight Flying Forms

If you are a Basic 2, Prof or Advanced Cadet who is coming on Recruit Camp, you need to complete a Microlight Flying permission slip.
This can be found on the Unit website under: activities, forms.
This form needs to either:
-Be scanned and emailed to sonya.gardiner@cadetforces.org.nz before Friday
-Brought along with you to camp (if you forget it, you cannot fly)
It is preferable that you scan and email your form ahead of time in order to avoid the disappoinment of a forgotten form on the day.

ANZAC Day Parades

On the 25th of April the unit will attend a number of ANZAC Day services across the city.

The main parade that all cadets should attend is the Cathedral Square Dawn Service in the central city. This involves a short march into Cathedral Square followed by a remembrance service. Important information for each service can be found on the activity forms page of the website.

Just like other activities we require you to apply on CadetNet. Please make sure you select and apply for the correct service and do so before the 18th of April.