Exercise Recruit Camp

Applications close for Exercise Recruit Camp (12-14th April at Burnham Military Camp) on Thursday 4th April. You must have applied (with NOK approval) by this date in order to attend. Please also ensure you have paid via the Unit Shop by Thursday 11th April.

Joining Instructions are now available on the 17 Squadron Website under: Training, Activity Forms.

Microlight Flying
Basic 2, Prof and Advanced Cadets need to have filled in the Microlight Flying permission slip in order to fly on Recruit Camp. This needs to be in by Thursday 11th April. There are online copies available on the website or you can collect one from the Adjutant’s office this Thursday night. Due to the End of Term Fun Night, your last opportunity to hand in this form to the adjutant’s office will be Thursday 4th April. After this date, you will need to scan and send your form to sonya.gardiner@cadetforces.org.nz OR bring a physical copy along to camp.

End of Term Fun Night!

Thursday 11th of April is our last night of term, and we will not be parading at Wigram. Instead, we have organised some exciting visits to various places at the Airport! Please apply for the relevant event on CadetNet ASAP as some visits have limited numbers. There is no cost involved, but Cadets will need to make their own way to and from the activity.

Recruit camp 12-14 April – *VENUE CHANGE*

We are very excited to announce that accommodation has become available at Burnham Military Camp for our Recruit Camp, 12 – 14 April. Burnham is an active NZDF establishment, and running the camp here opens up a range of exciting new activities that we can now offer on camp.

The cost and timings for the camp remain the same. Joining Instructions with more information will be issued to those attending in the next week. Please apply on CadetNet as soon as possible and make payment in our shop 17squadronatc.com/shop. Payment is required before attendance at camp.

Applications on CadetNet close on the 4th of April.

New Recruits – if you are still having difficulty with enrolment or applying for activities on CadetNet, contact adj@17squadronatc.com

Formal 3B uniform this week

Although it’s not the first Thursday of the month we are scheduling in an extra night of 3B uniform this week to give us another opportunity to bring this uniform up to standard for our Anzac day parades.

Reminder: Change of parade night pick up location

Due to safety concerns and traffic congestion at the current pick up point outside our gate at 43 Corsair Drive, we are now asking parents to collect Cadets from the exit on Harvard Ave at the end of each parade night. There will be more parking space and less traffic in this area. This exit is signposted as ‘Isitt Lane’, although this name doesn’t appear in Google Maps. Please see the picture below. Please park and wait on Harvard Ave or Corsair Drive, do not drive into or park on Isitt Lane. (Isitt Lane is the main service access for the Air Force Museum and is used 24/7 for deliveries and staff access. It needs to be kept clear at all times.)

The usual front gate on Corsair Drive will remain the point for drop offs at start of night, due to having rolling arrivals with less traffic impact.

This change is effective immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

Exercise Recruit 12-14 April

Apply now on CadetNet for our first camp of the year!

The warning order for Exercise Recruit can be found on our website, under ‘Activity Forms’. https://www.17squadronatc.com/forms/

This camp is for all levels of Cadets, although it is particularly important for our new recruits to attend. There is no space limit for this camp, so you do not need to wait for confirmation that your application is accepted. Please make payment for this camp via our shop. https://www.17squadronatc.com/shop

New Recruits: this is an opportunity to get to know your fellow Cadets, the Unit and to learn some valuable skills which you will use throughout your time in Cadets. You will be participating in leadership, sport, shooting, drill and more.

Basic 2, Prof and Adv: Come along to Recruit camp to put your classroom-learnt skills into action. Practice your shooting, leadership, first aid skills and potentially have an opportunity to fly.

More information for new recruits:

  • You can only make CadetNet applications once you have a photo upoaded to your profile. If your application is declined by the system, simply wait until we have uploaded your photo and your application will automatically go through.
  • A ‘warning order’ gives basic information about the camp, e.g. where/when/costs. Before the camp, those attending will be sent a ‘joining instruction’ or ‘JI’ which gives more detail (e.g. what to bring).

Interunit Sports Day

Do you want the chance to compete against other Cadet Units in Christchurch at multiple sports? Sign up for the Interunit Sports Day which will be held at Burnham Military Camp on Saturday 16th March, 9am-3:30pm.
Compete in a team of 8 in the following sports; Football, Touch, Netball, Basketball, Dodgeball, Leadership and Top Team.

Apply on Cadetnet by Thursday 14th March. Places are limited, you will receive a confirmation email if you are in a team.

Please note; you need to arrange your own transportation to and from Burnham, lunch is not provided.

PT This Week (14th March)

This Thursday we have PT for all year groups except Basic One Delta and Echo (attended open night in the past two weeks). Bring along sports shoes and clothes to change out of uniform into.

Formal Uniform This Week (7th March 2024)

This week we will be wearing the formal 3B uniform (not CWD), as it is the first Thursday of the month. Make sure that you remember to bring everything including your jersey, name badge, belt, brassard, rank slides, and hat. Make sure your uniform has your name on it!

New Cadet Enrolment Process

To all our new cadets enrolling this year – thank you for your patience! You have joined right on the cusp of our national body changing our enrolment processes from paper to digital. This has resulted in a variety of challenges which have meant some of you have needed to fill in enrolment forms twice, and received various emails with enrolment links. We apologise for the teething issues! The correct enrolment link is from “do.not.reply@cadetforces.org.nz” and only needs to be filled out once. If you have received multiple links for this, please ignore it. Thank you for bearing with us while we adapt to these new processes.

The correct process is as follows;

1) Fill out and sign the NZCF2A and the USC additional info form, return to the adjutants office with a copy of a photo ID.
2)Once received you will be emailed the enrolment link.
3) Go to the 17 SQN website shop and pay the annual fees.
4) Once these have been received and your enrolment processed your cadet will be sized up and given their uniform. Please be aware our stores team will be working down the list in order of enrolment and so your cadet may not receive their uniform the week the process is completed, but I can assure you we will get to them.

If you have any questions or concerns about enrolment, please get in touch via adj@17squadronatc.com