Air Force Band Concert, 3 March

For those of you who may be interested in this event, check out this link for more info.

Tickets are $5 for children (up to 14 years old), $10 for students and for adults if you use the code AFOT24 tickets will be $15 which is a substantial discount!

This is not an activity organised by the Unit, but interested Cadets are welcome and encouraged to go along with friends and family in their own time.

Welcome back for 2024

Parades commence again this Thursday, 1 Feb. As this is the first Thursday of the month, we will be in our 3B uniform (the more formal one).

There will also be PT this week so bring PT gear along.

Our new recruits who attended an open evening last year will be joining us the following week on the 8th of February, with more open evenings running in the remainder of February for any other friends and family who may be looking to join.

Annual subscriptions will be available for payment in our shop once the term has commenced.

A reminder that if you are going to be absent for a parade night, please use the ‘Leave Request’ function on the website to let us know.

Any queries about the new year, please direct to

We look forward to seeing you all back this week!

National Efficiency Results & 2024 Dates

A nice end to the year – our Unit has won the National Efficiency competition! Results were released yesterday and we received the Air League Trophy for the most efficient ATC Unit in the country 🙂

Below are the dates (or approximate dates) of our camps for 2024. There will be plenty more activities throughout the year that will be advertised as they are confirmed.

If you are not returning in 2024, please let us know and arrange to return your uniform as soon as possible, for issue to new recruits.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you back in the new year.

Dates for your 2024 calendar:

1 Feb – First parade night back

Feb/Mar – New Recruit open evenings (for those that missed out on our November evening)

29 Mar – 1 Apr Warbirds Over Wanaka trip (places filled)

12 – 14 Apr – Recruit camp

25 Apr – Anzac day parade

24 – 26 May – Exercise Top Squad (places limited)

Jun – Exercise Ardua (inter-flight competition)

Aug – Interunit drones weekend

Sept – Exercise Kakapo (aviation camp)

25 – 28 Oct – Exercise Taiaha (bushcraft camp)

12 Nov – Cup day (parent help required)

5 Dec – End of year parade & prizegiving

Facebook scam

With the exciting news (that our previous Unit Commander, SQNLDR Shane Cole is taking on the Assistant Commandant role) going far and wide on Facebook this week, scammers have jumped on the popularity of the posts and created fake 17 SQN and NZCF profiles and groups!

Please don’t search it up, but if you do happen to come across one of these pages, don’t interact through likes or comments, or accepting requests. Please block and report the page by selecting “Report page/profile”, then “Pretending to be someone”, then ‘”business” and select the real NZCF etc.

End of Year Parade & Prizegiving

Our EOYP will be Thursday, 7 December. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. Cadets should be present by 6.15pm, and guests are asked to be seated by 6.30pm.

Cadets are asked to bring a plate of finger food to share for supper.

Reminder – Aqualand fun day

Family and friends are welcome to our Aqualand fun day, Sunday 10th December from 9:30am-1:30pm. Cadets attending should apply on CadetNet. Payment for all members attending should be made via the shop by the 7th of December.

The Aqualand Terms and Conditions Form (see attached below or collect from the Unit) must be signed; by a parent/guardian (for those under 18) OR by the participant (over 18) and brought along on the day. This includes all family members attending.


Applications are open for members of the PT team to apply for the bouldering activity at Uprising on Saturday 9th December. You can find the information for this activity on the Squadron website under Activity Forms.

Efficiency Inspection & Open Evening this Thursday

Two exciting things happening this week:

Our new recruit open evening is running 6.30 to 8pm this week. Bring along your interested friends and family who are between 13 and 15 years old, and interested in joining the unit next year.

Our national efficiency inspection is happening! W/O Guy Lipsham will be assessing our unit through a series of ‘physical and mental challenges’. Sounds interesting! Make sure your uniform is top notch.

Uniform is CWD this week. Next week we will be in 3B uniform for our final parade practice.