Upcoming events!

The table below details what we have scheduled for the remainder of this term, and highlights a few activities currently penciled in for the the rest of the year (there will be more than just these….). If you have any questions, come and talk to a staff member on a Thursday night.


If you are interested in carpooling to/from Cadets, please enter your details in the Google Form below. This information (your name, suburb and email) will then be emailed to all parents who have responded to this form. It will then be up to individual cadets/parents to make contact and arrange carpooling. Let us know if you have any problems with the link! Happy carpooling.


Picking up your Cadets at the end of night

We’ve noticed lately that there have been a number of Cadets waiting out on the roadside for an extended period before being picked up after parade. Please collect your Cadets promptly at 9.15pm – and we will do our best to ensure they are ready to go by this time. In these winter months, any cadets who are left waiting for a long period will be brought inside the building to be supervised inside, and can be collected from there.

Wigram Centenary Gala Day – 17th June

17 SQN has been invited to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of New Zealand military aviation at Wigram. This event will host various activities including the Royal New Zealand Air Force Band, Vintage vehicles and aircraft, and a flypast of all currently serving RNZAF aircraft.

During this event, we will be helping out with carpark marshalling and other tasks, but all attending will have free time to enjoy the event as well.

The 17SQN Information Form can be found here: https://www.17squadronatc.com/forms/

Further public information can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1031635861149038

Please apply on CadetNet.

PT Team

PT Team is a fun combination of physical and mental challenges hosted by NCOs. It’s on every Thursday night from 5 – 6pm. All are welcome. Showers available at the block afterwards, so come along with your PT gear, towel, soap, water bottle and your ironed uniform.

Flight Night

This week is flight night! Battle it out in a inter-flight competition; displaying your skills in Drill, Teamwork, and GSK. Represent your flight by wearing your pt kit in your best flight colours (no uniform this week) remember your 3822, drink bottle, a warm layer, and a pen.

Flight colors

Spitfire (1) – Red

Mustang (2) – Yellow

Harvard (3) – Blue

Hurricane (4) – Green

Unit Dining In

Please apply on cadet net for the activity, as well as paying $10 via the online shop.

There is information on the website under activity forms, please make sure you have read through this, any questions see your NCO’s.

Uniform Ownership

Please make sure you name your uniform, it is expensive, and you don’t want it to go missing!!!!!

If you have found items that are not yours, please hand it in to the unit.