Exercise Ardua is this weekend – Reminders

Exercise Ardua is this weekend, starting at 6pm this Friday 30 June.

Cadetnet applications are still open for any last minute applications, but will be closing soon.

We are still after payments, please pay via the online shop: https://www.17squadronatc.com/shop/

Joining Instructions can be found here: https://www.17squadronatc.com/forms/

We are still after parent/caregiver support with carpooling cadets to and from the venue. Please complete the below Google Form to assist us: https://forms.gle/vwEgUQQKWPSYGXky8

If you are going directly to/from the venue as it is closer to you than having to go to Wigram first, please let marie.watson@cadetforces.org.nz know.

Dining-In this Thursday (22/06/23)

A reminder that we are holding our annual Dining In this Thursday, 5:30pm at Addington Raceway.

Please come in your 3B Formal Uniform.

Please do not go to Wigram as no-one will be there.

Please take the time to review Dining-In Protocol:

General Rules:

  • Follow all instructions from the PMC and Vice PMC (A/PLTOFF Sies and OFFCDT Howie).
  • PMC stands for President of the Mess Committee – they will be the main speaker for the evening.
  • Be respectful and sensible. We will have guests from Southern Area HQ.
  • Be vigilant – don’t make a fool of yourself by spilling food or tripping.
  • Use your “sir’s”, “ma’am’s” and address the appropriate people by rank.
  • Use your table manners.
  • Do not eat until your whole table has food.

Passing of the Port (AKA Toasts):

  • Passing of the port is a traditional part of a formal dining in. It will happen after dessert.
  • Non-alcoholic port is served and cadets pour themselves a drink in respectful silence.
  • The port jug should be passed around the table without being placed down until everyone at the table has been served.
  • Do not overfill your glass as everyone needs to have some.
  • Once everyone has some port, everyone stands and toasts are made.

Exercise Ardua – Applications close this week

Hi all, if you haven’t already, please sign up on CadetNet for Ardua (30 June to 2 July) as applications will be closing this week.

We are still after payments, please pay via the online shop: https://www.17squadronatc.com/shop/

We are also asking that parents/caregivers support us with carpooling cadets to and from the venue. Please complete the below Google Form to assist us with arranging this: https://forms.gle/vwEgUQQKWPSYGXky8

If you rather go directly to/from the venue as it is closer to you than having to go to Wigram first, please let marie.watson@cadetforces.org.nz know.

Joining Instructions can be found here: https://www.17squadronatc.com/forms/

Exercise Ardua – Payment and Carpooling

A reminder that we have Exercise Ardua coming up at the end of the term – 30 June to 2 July.

We are now asking for payment, please pay via the online shop: https://www.17squadronatc.com/shop/

We are also asking that parents/caregivers support us with carpooling cadets to and from the venue. Please complete the below Google Form to assist us with arranging this: https://forms.gle/vwEgUQQKWPSYGXky8

Joining Instructions can be found here: https://www.17squadronatc.com/forms/

Many thanks, your continued support is much appreciated.

Exercise Ardua

Exercise Ardua is an inter-flight competition being held at Orohaki Education Centre this year. Cadets will engage in a diverse range of physically and mentally demanding tasks to measure their acquired skills and teamwork abilities. Activities can include drill, first aid, teamwork, communication, rogaine, and sports.

The aim of this Exercise is to apply the skills you have learnt and to enjoy a weekend filled with friendly competition, all strivingfor ultimate glory.

Warning Order can be found here.

Please apply on CadetNet.

Formal uniform this week (1st June 2023)

This week we will be wearing the formal 3B uniform (not CWD), as it is the first Thursday of the month. Make sure that you remember to bring everything including your jersey, name badge, belt, brassard, rank slides, and hat. If you have yet to be issued a jersey, please bring a rain jacket to wear overtop if required.

Upcoming events!

The table below details what we have scheduled for the remainder of this term, and highlights a few activities currently penciled in for the the rest of the year (there will be more than just these….). If you have any questions, come and talk to a staff member on a Thursday night.