Speed limit changes around Wigram

We hope you are enjoying the school holidays.

When you return to Cadets next term, please note that there have been changes to the speed limits around Wigram. This is generally a drop to 40km/hr. Please be aware of this when you are arriving/departing the Cadet Building.

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Applications closing for Exercise Taiaha

Applications for Exercise Taiaha will be closing at 1800hrs(6:00 pm) on this Thursday 7th October. To be eligible applications must be NOK approved before this time. Payments will still be accepted until Thursday 14th of October. If you have any questions use the Contact Us page and select operations.

Return to physical parades this week

We are very excited to be getting back to physical parades this week!

The programme this week

To ensure we do not exceed 100 personnel, and are able to maintain sufficient physical distancing, we will be parading over two nights – Thursday and Friday.

For the following two weeks, if you are in Spitfire (Number 1) and Hurricane (Number 4) flights, please attend on Thursday at the usual time.

If you are in Mustang (Number 2) or Harvard (Number 3) flights, please attend on Friday at the usual time.

Not sure what flight you’re in? Check the link here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ABi9tl4UWquhSU_7RwrI7-XqSyoJNDMM/view

There is a small margin for swapping parade nights, so if you are absolutely not able to attend on your assigned parade night, please get in touch and we may be able to accommodate a shift.

To parade safely and in a way that meets Government and NZCF requirements there are several measures we are putting in place. These include:

  • Sanitising surfaces

All touch points and surfaces will be sanitised before Cadets enter the building and between group use.

Alcogel will be available at various places around the building for use.

  • Face coverings

All personnel 18 years and over are required to wear a face covering. Please get in touch if there is a reason you can’t comply with this. All other personnel are encouraged to wear a face covering also.

  • Physical Distancing

The majority of our activities will be occurring outside and have been selected with physical distancing requirements in mind. The NZCF requires that Cadets maintain 2m physical distancing when inside and outside.

  • Signing in

There is a building QR code available for use if desired, however the Unit roll will also record Cadet presence.

Parents and Caregivers are asked to wait in their vehicles. If for some reason you do need to enter the premises, you must wear a face covering and scan or sign in.

In summary:

  • Spitfire and Hurricane flight Cadets attend THURSDAY
  • Mustang and Harvard flight Cadets attend FRIDAY
  • Attend at the normal parade times
  • Enter and exit using the gate you usually would
  • Bring and wear a face covering if you are 18 years old or over
  • Ask your parents or caregivers to stay in their vehicles during pickup /drop off
  • Use alcogel when provided and maintain the required physical distancing
  • Have fun and enjoy being back at Cadets!

We look forward to seeing you this Thursday and Friday.

Expressions of Interest for Rock Climbing Activity

NZOIA are looking for model students for a rock climbing training day on Sunday 10 October 9am – 3pm.

All spots have been filled. Feel free to still put your name down to be a reserve if somebody pulls out.

“The day will include an introduction to outdoor rock climbing and abseiling. The instruction is free, you just need to get yourself there! To find out more, visit our model client page on the website.”

Spaces are limited so selection will be on a first-in first-served basis. Whether this activity is able to happen also depends on Covid restrictions at the time.

If you’re available and interested, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/T84uDPuW9jg4KLyW6, and we will be in touch with further details once NZOIA passes them on.

Cadets with questions should use the contact us page to email our Operations Team.

Exercise Takahe Applications Closing Soon

Spots are limited, so make sure you apply and have next of kin approval on CadetNet by the 24th of September.

A quick reminder of what it’s all about:

Exercise Takahe is a week-long outdoor adventure exercise held at Arthur’s Pass for Cadets from all around New Zealand. The 2022 dates are 23 – 29 January. Activities include bushcraft, navigation, first aid, river safety, tramping, low ropes, abseiling and Cave Stream. The cost is $100 for the week. To apply you need to be physically capable of tramping on moderately difficult tracks with a full pack. Acceptances will be announced the week after applications close.

Cadets with questions should use the contact us page to email our Operations Team.

Introducing our Online Noticeboard

Historically the unit has used Facebook to communicate with cadets and their parents/caregivers. Over the last few years we have had increasing calls to adopt new communication channels, as the popularity of Facebook has declined and how people use it has changed.

We are now pleased to introduce our online noticeboard, as part of our new website. Throughout the week our staff will post information and reminders which are instantly publically available – without the need to sign in or download an app. As a subscriber (parents/caregivers and cadets have been added by default), you will also receive a weekly summary of any new posts at 6pm on a Tuesday evening – giving you time to read the message and organise things before Thursday night or the weekend. If you have a question or wish to refer back to information you can, as all posts will remain available on our website. You may also simply reply to the email with any questions you may have.

If you decide you don’t want these emails you can unsubscribe below at any time. Anyone can subscribe (such as additional family members) or re-subscribe using the link on our website. 

This will become our primary means of communicating routine messages with cadets and their parents/caregivers – so we strongly suggest you stay subscribed or regularly check the website. However, from time to time specific emails may still be sent when the situation requires it.

COVID-19 Update

At the time of posting we are at Alert Level 2 Delta. As you will be aware all in-person activities are postponed/cancelled.

HQ NZCF has mandated that all units restrict numbers to 50 indoors, 100 outdoors and maintain 2m social distancing at all times. As a unit we have assessed that there is very little we could do under these restrictions and with the facilities we have at Wigram. Unfortunately this means that under current Alert Level 2 Delta restrictions we will not be recommencing in-person activities. 

We now have a COVID-19 page on our website which provides details on the current situation and links to access our online parade nights/learning. This will be kept up-to-date as the situation changes.