Duke of Edinburgh Event- Meet the Duke of Edinburgh!

Attention all those completing their Duke of Edinburgh Award! On Sunday 19th November DOE HQ is hosting a 60th Anniversary tree planting event. They have asked for a maximum of 10 cadets to attend from 11:30am-1:15pm where 60 trees will be planted one for each year of the award. This is special because we will be joined by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, Global Patron of the DOE International Award. If you are interested in attending please email natasha.taen@cadetforces.org.nz no later than this Thursday night. You will need to find your own transport to and from 10 Bridle Path Road.

Always wanted a front row seat to the Santa Parade?

Here’s your chance!

The organisers of the Santa Parade have asked for our help in marshalling the crowds during the parade.

Sunday 26 November, 1330 – 1500, A&P Showgrounds

You will be in uniform, so this is a great opportunity to raise community awareness of our organisation.

This activity is now open on CadetNet. If you can spare the hour and half, please apply ASAP so we can go back to the organisers with numbers available.

End of Year Test

This Thursday each year group will have an end-of-year test on the content you have learnt at the unit during the year. The test is online, so bring along a device that can use Google Forms. There will be Wi-Fi available and spare devices if you don’t bring one. Review your notes this week, and best of luck to everyone.

Costume night this Thursday 2 Nov!

This Thursday (2nd Nov) is costume night. Come dressed in your best finery. Prizes for individual and group costumes. Bring a gold coin which will be donated to a chosen charity. If you have a charity close to your heart that you feel will benefit, please email adj@17squadronatc.com

Gliding Day Expressions of Interest

There is an opportunity for a couple of Cadets to spend a day at The Canterbury Gliding Club on Sunday 5th November (0900-1800). You will spend some time learning about Gliding from experienced instructors and you will have the opportunity to fly. Places are limited.
If you are interested, email FLTLT Gardiner (sonya.gardiner@cadetforces.org.nz )by Wednesday 1st November
You will be told on Thursday 2nd November if you have been selected to attend this.
There will be a cost of $75.

Addington fundraising events coming up in November

Cup Day, 14th Nov – All Cadets are required to attend this event for one hour in the evening (1830 – 1930). Please apply on CadetNet now. (Also, more over 18 helpers/parents are still needed during the day. Please fill in google survey at https://forms.gle/uSbMrtYujoxNVieg7).

Show Day, 17th Nov – helpers are needed for this day – our last fundraising effort for the year! 11am – 7pm, part days acceptable. Please apply on Cadetnet, or if not a Cadet – email adj@17squadronatc.com if you can help. You do not need to be over 18 to help during this day.

Our signage days (4th, 5th, 11th, 12th Nov) are well covered, thank you, and those that are booked in to help are being informed.

Ex Taiaha – Gear Check

Exercise Taiaha is this weekend. We will be doing a gear check on Thursday night for the cadets attending. The JI, which is on the activity forms page of this website, details the gear that needs to be brought in.

Any gear that you do not own or is not in serviceable condition can be loaned from the 17sqn stores for the camp.

Exercise Taiaha applications close soon..

So please get yours in quick. Knowing numbers early helps our planning.

This is our annual labour weekend bushcraft camp held out of Mt White, Arthur’s Pass.

Always a highlight for the year! Basic info is on the ‘Activity Forms’ page, a detailed JI will be issued to those attending.